The New Human

Presenter Applications

Unlock your 44th Gene kEy

Sharing Your Gifts For Good

Gene Key 44: Interference - Teamwork - Synarchy

“Synarchy means we all lead together! It doesn’t mean that we’re all the same. Not at all. It means that our uniqueness has a place within the orchestra, and instead of just playing a nice tune and being oblivious to all those around us, we begin to play in harmony with everyone.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways

New Human Events are not planned in the typical manner. It is as if the event is a separate entity that wants to be made manifest, and it approaches us beckoning to be made into something real. It often comes with a defined list of speakers and processes that will create the impact the event wants to make. We do want to allow space for practitioners and speakers who feel the pull of that energy, to come forward and tell us about themselves – thus this application was born. If your craft and blueprint match what we’re looking for we’ll reach out for our current event, or maybe one down the road. Either way, applying here is a great step to working together.

The New Human

Presenter Application

We’re very grateful for your application, and while we love connecting with so many, due to volume we cannot respond to all requests. You can trust that we’ve received it, and will follow up where we feel alignment. Thank you!